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Package installation:


Load the package:




External files


Mandatory for ATAC-seq offset correction and SEACR peak calling:

  • Chromosome sizes (gen_sizes). You can generate this file by using fetchChromSizes from UCSC tools or downloading it directly from the UCSC: hg38 or hg19.

I recommend you create a data directory within your project with the following structure:

  • Data directory: data/
    • 1 folder for each type of experiment: ATAC-seq; ChiP-seq.
      • BAM/ output BAM files from alignment and post-processing.
      • Peaks/ directory with .narrowPeak, .broadPeak and other files created by the peak calling analysis.
      • Logs/ directory where the log outputs from different programs are saved.
      • Visualization/ directory to output the visualization files (bigWig and bedGraphs).

Pipeline Overview

In this package we currently have implemented the pipelines for analyzing the following experiments:

  • ATAC-seq (ATAC).
  • ChIP-seq for histone marks (CHIP).
  • CUTandTAG for histone marks (CT).
  • CUTandRUN for transcription factors (CR).

In the following figure you can see a description of the steps needed for the analysis of each type of experiment, with specific arguments (if any) used in the different steps.

The specific parameters used for each experiment are described in paramdata:

Parameter Experiment Extra_bowtie2 Offset_correction peak_type shift
CT CUT&TAG –very-sensitive –no-mixed –no-discordant –phred33 -I 10 -X 700 FALSE broad FALSE

All these steps are implemented in a single function called process_epigenome(). Critical parameters for this function are the following:

  • fastq_files. In this argument you must provide as a character vector (only when reads are single end and each file corresponds to a single sample) or a list the complete paths for the fastq files you wish to process. A list input is mandatory for paired-end samples (each element of the list contains paths to R1 and R2), however you can use lists for single end reads if you have several files for a single sample that has been sequenced in different lines:
## Example Paired End ##
fastq_files <- c("fastq/sample1_L1_R1.fastq.gz", "fastq/sample1_L2_R1.fastq.gz",
                 "fastq/sample1_L1_R2.fastq.gz", "fastq/sample1_L2_R2.fastq.gz",
                 "fastq/sample2_L1_R1.fastq.gz", "fastq/sample2_L1_R2.fastq.gz")

## Convert to list to use as input for process_epigenome()
# Create one list element for each simple
names <- sapply(strsplit(basename(fastq_files), "_"), function(x) x[1])
fastq_list <- split(fastq_files, names)

# Make lists with R1 and R2 inside each sample
fastq_input <- lapply(fastq_list, function(x) list(R1=x[grepl("_R1.fastq.gz", x)],
                                    R2=x[grepl("_R2.fastq.gz", x)]))
## $sample1
## $sample1$R1
## [1] "fastq/sample1_L1_R1.fastq.gz" "fastq/sample1_L2_R1.fastq.gz"
## $sample1$R2
## [1] "fastq/sample1_L1_R2.fastq.gz" "fastq/sample1_L2_R2.fastq.gz"
## $sample2
## $sample2$R1
## [1] "fastq/sample2_L1_R1.fastq.gz"
## $sample2$R2
## [1] "fastq/sample2_L1_R2.fastq.gz"
## Example Single End ##
fastq_files <- c("fastq/sample1_L1.fastq.gz", "fastq/sample1_L2.fastq.gz",
                 "fastq/sample1_L3.fastq.gz", "fastq/sample2_L2.fastq.gz",
                 "fastq/sample3_L1.fastq.gz", "fastq/sample3_L3.fastq.gz")

## Convert to list to use as input for process_epigenome()
# Create one list element for each simple
names <- sapply(strsplit(basename(fastq_files), "_"), function(x) x[1])
fastq_input <- split(fastq_files, names)
## $sample1
## [1] "fastq/sample1_L1.fastq.gz" "fastq/sample1_L2.fastq.gz"
## [3] "fastq/sample1_L3.fastq.gz"
## $sample2
## [1] "fastq/sample2_L2.fastq.gz"
## $sample3
## [1] "fastq/sample3_L1.fastq.gz" "fastq/sample3_L3.fastq.gz"
  • out_name. Names to use for the output files. Should be the same length as the list/vector used as input in fastq_files. The input names for the pipeline should be the name of the samples without any suffix. A suffix specific for each analysis and type of file will be added in each step of the analysis.
  • seq_type. The type of experiment you are processing. Available options are listed at the beginning of this section.
  • type. Either SE for single-end reads or PE for paired-end reads.

Additional arguments refer to specific parts of the processing and will be described in the appropriate sections.

Data processing steps

All needed data processing steps are wrapped inside the function process_epigenome. We will now go through every key step to explain the important parameters.

The following chunk shows a minor example of how to run an analyses, in this case of paired-end (type=PE) CUTandTAG data (seq_type="CT"):

index <- "/vault/refs/indexes/hg38"
blacklist <- "/vault/refs/Blacklist/lists/hg38-blacklist.v2.bed"

# Using the files described in the previous chunk:

Quality control

The first step for any NGS pipeline is checking quality of the reads. This can be done using a program called FastQC, which takes as input FASTQ files and returns an html with several quality control analysis and if your sequences passed/failed each test.

This part is implemented inside process_epigenome() and will run when argument run_fastqc=TRUE. You can use the function fastqc() to perform only this analysis.

Results from this step are stored in a folder named FastQC/.


For the alignment of epigenetic data we use bowtie2 as an aligner. The output will be redirected into a pipe to create a position-sorted and indexed BAM file (samplename.raw.bam). The parameters used to run bowtie2 are:

  • --local: Perform local alignment (will clip sequences that do not match the reference). This allows us to align without removing the adapters, as they will be clipped from the sequence.
  • -t: Print wall-clock time taken by search phases.
  • -x <bt2-idx>: Index file name prefix (minus trailing .X.bt2).
  • -U/-1,-2: Indicates the location and names of the fastq files to align. -U stands for single-end reads and -1 and -2 for the pair 1 reads and pair 2 reads, respectively (paired-end reads).
  • -p: Number of alignment threads to launch.
  • Additional parameters are added in the case of CUTandTAG samples, following the analysis described in:

You can check the statistics of the alignment in the Logs/ folder and the result for the alignment can be found in BAM/*.raw.bam.


After the alignment, we need to do several post-processing steps in order to have homogeneous and filtered data for downstream analyses.

  • Remove reads aligning to black-listed regions.
  • Remove unaligned reads.
  • Select reads aligning to cannonical chromosomes.
  • Remove duplicates using samtools markdup.

You can check the statistics in the Logs/ folder and the resulting file can be found in BAM/*.bam.

Offset correction (only ATAC-seq)

If we are dealing with ATAC-seq data, we need to perform an offset correction to correct the reads for the transposase binding event. This is implemented in the function offsetATAC(), which uses bedtools and awk and is used with paired-end data and offsetATACSE() which uses ATACseqQC::shiftGAlignments() to perform this same correction (I don’t remember why I use different fuctions, I think the ATACseqQC function did not work with paired-end reads?).

Warning: If you are trying to do some kind of allelle-specific analysis or any other analysis in which it is important the actual sequence of the read and its location, you might have to use BAM files without the offset correction.

The resulting file can be found in BAM/*.offset.bam.

Peak calling

In order to proceed with the analysis it is key to have the coordinates for the complete set of enriched regions in our experiment. The process of searching and reporting such regions is called peak calling.

To run these analysis we are going to use MACS2 callPeak function, which is implemented in callPeak(). The parameters used in this step are determined by the argument seq_type but can be overwritten by passing them to process_epigenome() using the arguments:

  • type_peak indicates whether to call broad or narrow peaks.
  • shift indicates whether to shift the called peaks using the parameters --shift -100 --extsize 200 in the MACS2 call.

This function will return several files in the folder Peaks/ corresponding to our enriched regions.

Generate stats

It is possible to summarize the stats from the processing using a couple functions implemented in the package:

stats <- 
    path_logs = system.file("extdata/Logs/", package="pipelineNGS"),
    path_peaks = system.file("extdata/Peaks/", package="pipelineNGS"),
    peak_suffix = "broadPeak"

sampleID total_reads aligned_reads multi_reads chrM_reads duplicate_reads final_reads alignment_rate chrM_rate duplicate_rate final_rate num_peaks
HI19 14558245 14421420 3069479 81782 816010 11898585 99.06015 0.5617573 5.60514 81.73090 50595
HI22 48182652 47910520 10500399 2859 6792295 36155652 99.43521 0.0059337 14.09697 75.03873 80251
HI37 85131100 84631826 18313682 5597 18807614 58077807 99.41352 0.0065746 22.09253 68.22161 96752
HI40 78309325 78013102 16958214 4541 13746501 56648684 99.62173 0.0057988 17.55410 72.33964 95067

## Plot alignment rates
al <- 
  pipelineNGS::plotAlignment(stats) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("brown3", "steelblue3", "seagreen3")) + 
  ylab("Alignment rate (%)") 

## Plot chrM rate
chrm <- 
       aes(sampleID, chrM_rate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black") + 
  coord_flip() +
  ylab("chrM Rate (%)")

## Plot duplication rate
dup <- 
       aes(sampleID, duplicate_rate)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black") + 
  coord_flip() +
  ylab("Duplication Rate (%)")

## Plot called peaks
peaks <- 
       aes(sampleID, num_peaks)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill=num_peaks), stat="identity", color="black") +
  geom_label(aes(y=0, label=comma(num_peaks, accuracy=1)), hjust=0, nudge_y = 0, size=3,
             alpha=.7) +
  coord_flip() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  ylab("# of Peaks")

## Composite plot
cowplot::plot_grid(al + theme(legend.position="none"), 

Conversion to bigWig and Visualization

Once we have our post-processed data, we can proceed to visualize the coverage of our samples in a genome browser. We can choose between uploading the tracks to public servers and load them into UCSC Genome Browser or to use a local browser like IGV.

IGV allows to load BAM files and see the coverage and alignment of the reads, but if we want to look just at the distribution of reads, we need to create either BedGraph of BigWig files.