plotRegulome 0.2.0

  • create_xxxRegulome() functions now accept characters and dataframes as coordintes argument, not only GRanges objects.
  • Added examples for create_xxxRegulome().
  • Renamed cluster_dataset to clusters_dataset for consistency reasons.
  • Renamed generic S3 method from plot() to plotR().
  • Added legend for gene annotation. It is only included when plotting using the S3 method plotR, but not when unsing plotRegulome function.

plotRegulome 0.1.0

  • Changed whole database structure and file loading.
  • Added downloadIRB() function for downloading required IRB datasets.
  • Added randomIRB parameter in plotRegulome() to randomly generate Islet Regulome plots.
  • Fixed great amount of warnings and messages when producing the plot.
  • Fixed error get_legend() when no chromatin maps in view.
  • Fixed bug with legend when tfs_dataset="".
  • Added vignette using_plotRegulome.
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.