Automated processing of CUT&TAG samples
DEPRECATED! Use process_epigenome()
with seq_type="CT"
type = "PE",
run_fastqc = TRUE,
path_fastqc = "FastQC/",
path_bam = "BAM/",
path_peaks = "Peaks/",
path_logs = "Logs/",
index = "/biodata/indices/species/Hsapiens/ucsc.hg19",
remove = c("chrM", "chrUn", "_random", "_hap", "_gl", "EBV"),
blacklist = "~/data/consensusBlacklist.bed",
gen_sizes = "",
seacr_type = "stingent",
seacr_top = 0.01,
cores = 8,
bedtools_bamtobed = "bedtools bamtobed",
bedtools_genomecov = "bedtools genomecov",
seacr = ""
- fastq_files
List containing the different FastQ file pairs (one list element for each sample).
- out_name
Sample name to use for each of the samples.
- type
Character indicating if reads are paired end (PE) or single end (SE).
- run_fastqc
Logical indicating whether to run FastQC or not.
- path_fastqc
Path for the FastQC results.
- path_bam
Path for the aligment and filtering results.
- path_peaks
Path for the peak files.
- path_logs
Path for the logs.
- index
Path to the index needed by Bowtie2.
- remove
List of chromosomes to remove from final BAM file.
- blacklist
List of blaclisted regions to remove from BAM file.
- gen_sizes
Chromosome sizes to use for bedgraph conversion.
- seacr_type
Type of peaks to call with SEACR, either "stringent" (default) or "relaxed."
- seacr_top
A numeric threshold n between 0 and 1 returns the top n fraction of peaks based on total signal within peaks. Default: 0.01.
- cores
Number of threads to use for the analysis.
- bedtools_bamtobed
Path or alias of the bedtools bamtobed utility.
- bedtools_genomecov
Path or alias of the bedtools genomecov utility.
- seacr
Path or alias of the SEACR utilty.