Conversion from BAM to visualization formats
Converts post-processed BAM files to visualization formats such as BedGraph (compressed) and BigWig.
scaling_factor = 1,
bedtools_genomecov = "bedtools genomecov",
bdg_to_bw = "bedGraphToBigWig",
uncompressed_bw = FALSE,
cores = 5,
perc_mem = "50%"
- bamfile
Path and name of the bam file to convert.
- scaling_factor
Factor to use for scaling.
- path_bw
Character string indicating the path where you want to save visualization files (it will be created if it does not exist).
- chr_sizes
Character string indicating the path where the file with chromosome name and sizes can be found.
- bedtools_genomecov
Character string indicating the path where the program converter from bedGraph to BigWig can be found. Default assumes it is in your PATH.
- bdg_to_bw
Character string indicating the path where the bedtools genomecov binary can be found. Default assumes it is in your PATH.
- uncompressed_bw
Logical indicating whether to compress or not the resulting bigWig file.
- cores
Number of cores to use.
- perc_mem
Percentage of memory to use.